November 2022 Executive Meeting
Executive Meeting (commitee meeting) of the Auckland Chess Association was held at 7.50pm on Sunday 6th November 2022 at Auckland Chess Centre. Minutes of the meeting are available below.
Auckland Chess Association Inc.
Executive Meeting of Auckland Chess Association (ACA)
7.50pm Sunday 6th November 2022 at Auckland Chess Centre.
Members: Keong Ang (KA), Helen Milligan (HM), John McRae (JM), Manoj Asrani (MA), Timothy Ha (TH), Ronald Hamalala (RH), Paul Postma (PP).
Observers: Martin Dreyer (MD), Alex Postma (AP).
Apologies: Roy U’tai.
Meeting started 7.50pm
Minutes of previous Executive meeting.
That minutes of Executive meeting held 24th July 2022 be confirmed as a true and accurate record subject to the following correction:
General Business:
Daniel queried whether the previously adopted schedule of fees for the hire of ACA tables was still in effect. Keong said that any resolutions passed by a previous Committee had lapsed at the expiry of its term unless adopted by subsequent Committee or passed by resolution of a General Meeting; Bruce disagreed, saying there was nothing to say that such things would expire. John said that ACA tables should be available free of charge for ACA member clubs and any club that had paid for table hire this year should be refunded or asked if they would consider converting the payment into a donation to ACA. Those present agreed with Keong and could not recall exactly when the schedule of fees had come into force since no motion was presented at any ACA meeting this year.
For: KA, HM, JM, MA, TH, RH, PP.
Against: None.
Abstain: None.
Result: Passed.
Matters arising from minutes.
HM recused and stood down from this part of the meeting.
Formal complaint by Bruce Pollard against Helen Milligan.
That the ACA Executive judges that the complaint by Bruce Pollard against Helen Milligan to be groundless and without merit. Therefore the complaint is dismissed as a misuse of the ACA’s complaints process, instead to be recorded as actions by Bruce Pollard that are motivated by malicious intent to cause distress and dysfunction.
Bruce Pollard is to be stood down from holding any position within ACA until he apologises in writing to:
Helen Milligan.
North Shore Chess Club.
Auckland Chess Association.
making false accusations of defamation.
misuse of ACA complaints policy and procedures.
persisting to waste everyone’s time with this matter.
causing dysfunction in ACA to the detriment of chess activity.
abuse of power in the ACA Executive.
For: KA, JM, TH, PP.
Against: None.
Abstain: MA, RH.
Result: Passed.
KA to notify Bruce Pollard of judgement.
Confirmation of all ACA Executive positions.
That all ACA Officers and Committee members of the ACA Executive have taken up their positions and powers immediately upon their election at the SGM.
To confirm:
Postal address of ACA shall be c/- Dr Helen Milligan, 3/7 Owens Road, Devonport, Auckland 0624
Signatories of all ACA bank accounts shall be; John McRae, Helen Milligan, Manoj Asrani.
Treasurer (Manoj Asrani) to prepare financials for 2021 and 2022 that had both not been done by past treasurer (Bruce Pollard).
Official website of ACA is, and Facebook page is ChessAuckland. Person in charge of ACA’s online presence is Timothy Ha.
All ACA authorities and materials held by officers and members of the previous ACA Executive are to be transferred to the relevant officers and members of the present ACA Executive.
For: KA, HM, JM, MA, TH, RH, PP.
Against: None.
Abstain: None.
Result: Passed.
JM, HM, MA, to action change of signatories.
HM to obtain documents and materials from Daniel Johns, past ACA secretary.
MA to obtain documents and materials from Bruce Pollard, past ACA treasurer.
TH to action ACA’s online presence.
KA to communicate change in ACA Officers and Committee members to other chess organisations if/when required.
That appreciation be communicated to the sponsors for generously allowing for ACA’s use of website and other intellectual property.
For: KA, HM, JM, MA, TH, RH, PP.
Against: None.
Abstain: None.
Result: Passed.
KA to communicate ACA’s appreciation to sponsors.
Interclub chess activity.
That the ACA Lightning Teams be held Sunday 18th December 2022 at Auckland Chess Centre.
Teams of 4 players.
Format Scheveningen plus Round Robin system.
Time Control: 3 minutes per player plus 2 seconds increment per move.
FIDE Blitz rated where possible.
Other details to be determined by Chief Organiser/Arbiter, Keong Ang.
For: KA, HM, JM, MA, TH, RH, PP.
Against: None.
Abstain: None.
Result: Passed.
KA to commence organising the interclub tournament.
General Business.
That the ACA Treasurer (Manoj Asrani) be authorised to refund North Shore Chess Club the amount of $171 which was charged in error for table hire when supposed to be free of charge.
For: KA, HM, JM, MA, TH, RH, PP.
Against: None.
Abstain: None.
Result: Passed.
MA to arrange refund.
Next ACA Executive meeting.
Sunday 18th December 2022 at Auckland Chess Centre, 17 Cromwell Street, Mt Eden, Auckland.
At a suitable time after the completion of the ACA Lightning Teams.
Meeting ended 9.10pm
Files for download:
- 6th November 2022 Executive meeting minutes (PDF format) available 8Nov2022
- 9th November 2022 Letter to Bruce Pollard (PDF format) available 9Nov2022