2021 ACA B-Grade Interclubs – Final Results
2021 ACA B-Grade Interclubs Round 5 of 5 was cancelled due to COVID-19. Playing chess in person over the board was not possible until months into 2022. The annual general meeting of the Auckland Chess Association on 24th April 2022 resolved to accept that the final result of the 2021 ACA B-Grade Interclubs be from the four rounds already played.
Final standings (after 4 rounds) were:
- AC = Auckland Chess Centre. 15/24 game points.
- NS = North Shore Chess Club. 14.5/24 game points.
- SU = Summit Chess Club. 12/24 game points.
- PT = Papatoetoe Chess Club. 11.5/24 game points.
- WT = Waitakere Chess Club. 10/24 game points.
- HP = Howick Pakuranga Chess Club. 9/24 game points.
Congratulations to Auckland Chess Centre for successfully defending being B-Grade Interclubs Champion. A close second being North Shore Chess Club just half a game point behind.
Full details are available in this Google Docs spreadsheet.