2019 Annual General Meeting

The 2019 AGM was held at 6:30pm on Sunday March 3rd at the Stables Café, Alexandra Park.

2019 Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held at 6:30pm on Sunday March 3rd at the Stables Café, Alexandra Park.

ChairHelen Milligan (North Shore)
Vice-ChairJohn McRae (Papatoetoe)
SecretaryDaniel Johns (North Shore)
TreasurerTingling Wei (North Shore)
Committee MembersKeong Ang (Auckland)
 Simon Lyall (Auckland)
 Paul Morten (Howick-Pakuranga)
 Bruce Pollard (Waitakere)
 David Taylor (Papatoetoe)
 Ying Wang (Howick-Pakuranga)

Confirmed dates for tournaments:

  1. A-Grade Interclub on May 5, 12, 26;
  2. Junior Interclub (whole day event) on June 9;
  3. B-Grade Interclub on June 23, July 28, August 11;
  4. ACA Auckland Interschools Finals as usual on the Wednesday (September 25th) preceding the National Interschools Finals;
  5. Lightning Teams – to be decided.

Minutes of the meetings are available here (as pdf downloads):

AGM Minutes

Committee meeting, March 3rd

ACA website QR code

Auckland Chess Association

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